Hey there lesbians, if you can't wait 6 more days to watch the premiere of the L WORD, Our Chart.com is showing the first episode now and free. Click here for Our Chart
How's the holiday season going for everyone? Had enough of the family yet? Ready to return full throttle to your gay lifestyle? My Christmas was spent with my "adopted gay family" - it was kinda like Auntie Mame meets After Hours. Basically, a lot of expensive champagne and more hysterical one liners than all the Neil Simon plays of the '60's put together.
So, today is the first in my YEAR END WRAP UPS. I'm doing this in installments. Today's episode is:
The Best In Gay Television 2007 (um, to the best of knowledge)
First, let's all reflect on the way things USED to be way back when in the 1980's when I was a child. There were NO depictions of gays on television other than Jody on SOAP and maybe Buddy on FAMILY. Now, you can't turn on your television without seeing a gay character or storyline.
To follow are my favorites - the terms were based on gay storylines and more importantly the overall quality of the show.
1. MAD MEN The Production Design, the Costumes! Then add in the pathos and the thinly veiled repressed passions of 1950's America on the brink of revolution and change... what a recipe. Dear god, this show was so gay. And what a total find on the otherwise obscure AMC network. Seriously, if I still smoked pot, I would get stoned to Jesus and sit five inches from a 65 inch HD screen and melt into this show, the visuals are just so stunning. Well, aside from the furniture, sets and wardrobe, this included: Meow, nice kitty. The gay factor: One, I swear Joan (above) is a lesbian. Although that is yet to be seen, her room mate sure is as seen here in one of the shockers:
The other gay factor: Out actor Bryan Batt plays closeted art director Salvatore Romano. Salvatore nervously denied one man's invitation this season to dance with the devil under the pale moon's light, but let's see what unfolds in Season Two.
For those of you with keen eyes and a love of gay film, you'll recognize Batt from JEFFREY.
And for those of you actors in the closet, this is what OUT OF THE CLOSET looks like. This photo was taken for an interview Batt did with the New York Times.
During Season One, like a call to arms, homos in LA started having viewing parties. For a good time, organize the gays into your living room to catch season 2 - make sure to serve plenty of martinis!
2. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: RAZOR Well, well, well, finally a gay character on my favorite show. Of course, it turns out to be the biggest, stone cold bitch of the lot!
For some reason unknown to man, this show which TV Guide called "the best show on tv" took a one year hiatus. Maybe it was so the co-creators could go off and bomb with Bionic Woman, who knows. Either way, they lost some of their wonderful writers and meanwhile released a stand-alone movie, RAZOR, which follows the untold story of the other surviving Battlestar, Pegasus, on their rather doomed journey. Above, the lesbian admiral played by Michelle Forbes and her lover, a familiar face to Battlestar viewers.
I'm not sure whether the RAZOR in the title refers to Occam's Razor, but either way this movie plays out like one of those dire Russian plays. The folks on this ship do something bad. Very bad. Then their souls start slowly dying with guilt. The tale unfolds in flashbacks as the crew of the ship try to move forward, yet are intrinsically tied to the deeds of the past (a sci fi Crimes & Misdemeanors if you will) Is the admiral a hero or a beast? Is all really fair in love and war?
The show itself deals with war, humanity, guilt, survival and god and generally beautifully written. Most of the writers I know love this show, and for good reason. It packs a morality tale in a scifi serial with strong allusions to the current state of politics and war in America.
To me, Razor failed - something wasn't quite right. But Battlestar is still my favorite show, so this ranks at number 2.
3. SOUTH OF NOWHERE You've heard me say it, and I'm saying it again, this is the best gay show on television. It's not on here! or LOGO, it's on another very small network THE N. This is a very nice little 30 minute teen Degrassi/Dawson's/OC kinda show, but the depiction of the main character coming to terms with her lesbianism is just beautifully done, even without a flashy budget or big name stars.
4. Damages It was Dangerous Liaisons meets LA Law in this season's break out hit, DAMAGES.The gay factor: what gay doesn't love a kick-ass, powerful yet dangerous woman eating up the scenery?
The key gay element involved defense attorney Frisk (pictured above), a deeply closeted married man whose affair with one of the key witnesses all but brings down the entire case.
Out actress Portia De Rossi - you know, Ellen's girlfriend - joined the cast this year as Julia's new lover. So, if you enjoy girl on girl action which includes the spawn of Vanessa Redgrave (who's JULIA I saw maybe 15 times when I was just 12 years old...lesbian much?), you'll enjoy the following scenes from this season.
The most common thing I hear from my gay boyfriends about this show is, "Why do they always show Julian's ass? I think the other one is much cuter."
This season, the show that likes to push boundaries, seemed to go even further. So much more than just a few bare asses. I wonder if this move to Los Angeles and the vivisecting of our fair, shallow town was due to creator Ryan Murphy's recent failure with RUNNING WITH SCISSORS. He left Nip/Tuck to go direct what was looking to be a big Oscar film starring Annette Bening and Alec Baldwin. Then bam, fizzle, fizzle some more. Bomb. Now he's back on the show and it's a pig roast of Hollywood, with jabs on everything from vanity, ego, body dysmorphia to closet homos. And it's brutal.
Most of my friends like the new season, but for my taste it's a little too nasty. There's just so much of the underbelly of humanity than I like to look at. Click, switch, Animal Planet: Meerkat Manor. Murphy, however, will always be a hero in my book for creating what has to be one of the best and GAYEST shows (in the true, good sense of the phrase, "That's so gay!"), POPULAR.
Great writing, a gay pre-teen, a gay romance between the I-guess-he's-not-out-but-whatever Michael Urie and David Blue, and more fashion, fun and even patron saint of the homos Judith Light to boot. By the way, where was that gay kid when I was growing up in Miami? I coulda used his help with all those shows I put on in my garage. Can you imagine?
Now the one other show I know is getting a lot of buzz, but I haven't seen yet is TORCHWOOD Not only is the main character bi, but he's played by openly gay (very gay since he's done BROADWAY!) star John Barrowman.
As a filmmaker, you know I love STORIES, so my two presents to y'all today are the following stories. They're about furry little animals, which I know the lesbians will love, and I really do need to give the girls something because they almost all but deserted me during my SWEENEY TODD vlogging.
I'm not much for any of those Christmas stories (except Rudolph, because seriously, that is a gay story! I mean, he never played Reindeer games because he was in his room listening to Cher records and playing with Barbie's beauty station), but in the spirit of those seasonal stories, these ask you to consider looking beyond discrimination to extend basic human kindness.
The first story comes from Shreve Stockton, a San Fran ex pat living in Wyoming.
This is the star. Are you scared? It's a coyote!
I ask, because I live in Los Angeles and the coyote hate is pretty strong here. Mainly because, well they tend to munch on small dogs and cats in the highly populated hill areas. I've also heard that they're just creepy looking. Any which way, people just don't like them. Look at that picture and what do you feel? Then tell me what you feel by the time you finish reading the story below!
I was always a bit fascinated with coyotes because, well where I come from - Miami - we don't have coyotes. So the idea of living in a metropolis amongst wild animals, well it was interesting to me.
I constantly spot these critters on my drives over the hill to the city (for those of you not from Los Angeles, I live somewhere called The Valley, which is literally "over the hill" from Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Downtown LA. I'm about a twenty minute drive to WeHo, the gay town. All the cool people live in the Valley, it's very chique). Anyway, I've come to observe these guys with a certain interest. I mean, there they are...living amongst us! If you think about it, this was their turf first and we're the ones that moved in. These guys just didn't leave, but instead acclimated much to the dismay of small animal owners.
They may look mean or sneaky, but really they are just survivors. They have learned to adapt and they are just feeding themselves and doing the best they can with those pesky intruders - well, you know, us.
Anyway, enough preamble.
Shreve adopted a 10 day old coyote found outside her cabin in Wyoming, it's parents shot for killing sheep. The following photos are her photo essay of raising the little guy, which she named Charlie. The interesting thing is watching the relationship between the coyote and her cat, Eli. The cat had no use for the coyote, and he really needed to work his way into his good graces for months before the two became brothers.
After a while, Shreve put a collar on Charlie so the neighbors might think twice about shooting it. They have a competition in her town once a year where the person that shoots the most coyotes wins. "Please kitty, like me. Accept me!" Finally friends.
If you like these photos, check out the entire photo essay, week by week including a blog from Shreve. The Daily Coyote The whole story is really quite moving and the photos are sensational.
The second story I read in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC about ten years ago and it really touched me.
The above photo was taken by photographer Mark Thomas in Manitoba, Canada. The sled dogs were tied up for the night when a polar bear appeared on the horizon. This was unusual, but it had been a horrible summer and in these barren conditions the polar bears have been known to travel wider distances to find food. The sled dogs were easy pickings for this hungry bear.
The photographer readied his camera for the natural yet gruesome sight of nature that was certainly to occur. All the dogs were barking wildly and showing their teeth. All accept one. The polar bear ignored the snarling dogs and approached this one instead, the one wagging it's tail. Then something odd happened. The photos tell the rest of the story - the two played.
A scientist said that this proved that the need for play was just as important as the need for food for these animals. So although hungry, the polar bear just came down for some play time.
For those of you that are dense, the sub text here is go into the world with love, extend friendship even to those you might judge and surprising things may happen.
Merry Christmas everyone. Peace on earth and good will towards all men.
Twas the night before xmas and all through LA, not a creature was stirring due mainly to the writers' strike and the fact that no one can say or do anything in this town without a talented writer writing something for them.
Also, please note, the chestnuts are NOT - I repeat NOT - roasting over an open fire because of all the fire restrictions imposed because most of Southern California burned down this year.
Other than that, it's a lovely Christmas season here in gay Hollywood.
So you have something to look forward to in the new year, here's a preview of the interviews I did with LGBT actors that will start to air here starting in January:
Also, if you're stuck at home with the straight relatives and you need your lesbian fix, here's a quick comp of all the greatest moments of lesbian cinema from the last 50 years:
Ah, HA!!! Finally. Ubiquitous lesbian nightlife photographer Faye Sadou finally captured on film herself (it's only because, as you can tell, we pinned her down and good friend Nelson from Queer Diva quickly took the shot). Photographed with Mariah, myself and Frank (who I was stalking when this picture was taken). You may not know Faye , but if you like hot lesbians, chances are you've seen her work. She's photographed out-lesbian stars Michelle Wolfe, Cathy DeBuono, Jill Bennett and the cast of Exes and Ohs and Dante's Cove.
I just found out she's also been hired now to cover The DInah Shore Weekend.
Here's a few of her many great lesbian sex-pot shots:
I urge you to check out all her photos at www.myspace.com/FayeSadou
All I want to know, darling, is when are you going to release a calendar!!
Now I know many of you have heard me rave about this night...well it's that time of the month again. Uncensored, off the hook and gay gay gay.
This week, the comedy stylings of hosts Jason Dudey, Jennie McNulty and guests Poppy Champlin, Jason Stuart, Bridget McManus, Cynthia Levin and Bobaloo.
Dear god, I didn't think I was going to make it through this night, but alas I did and it was fabulous. Old friends, new friends, old friends who've had botox and now look like young friends...gays, producers, tv stars and an open bar.
This is how I felt today after having spent all night last night at our Secret Society of the Knights of the High Order of the Nocturnal Karaoke Crooners' Wrap Party:
So I didn't much feel like going out.
Tonight was the holiday party for one of my favorite magazines, FRONTIERS. I did not want to go. Not at all, not one bit. I was just way too fucking tired from working every day all day, and going to all these ridiculous gay holiday parties. But it was my beloved FRONTIERS, my favorite gay mag here in LA, so I mustered up the strength to drive over the hill. Fortunately, I recruited the company of my girlfriend-I-don't-sleep-with, Mariah Hanson to come along with me to help keep me propped up.
"Darling, I'm hung" I proclaimed to her dramatically as I arrived at her house Alla Auntie Mame to Vera (or visa versa)*, "So protect me at this party because I just don't have the strength and I just can't bare a large crowd." We both vowed we'd make an appearance then duck out. Well, cut to: three hours later, but I get ahead of myself.
*Meanwhile if you don't get the reference to Mame and Vera...how dare you call yourself a homosexual. Shame, shame, shame. Please watch this video until you are fully gay:
(I had to use Angela Lansbury as a homage to her incredible performance in SWEENEY TODD the stage play in the wake of the movie release. My review of the film version is in the vlog at the end of this post)(Daniel, when we finally get to do BOSOM BUDDIES at karaoke I will expect that you have learned this entire dance routine)
So my evening started by waiting 8 1/2 hours for a 5'2" lesbian to put herself together. Argh, Jesus, FEMMES!! (I realize that comment will cost me $24 in wine buying-for-forgiveness-for-that-comment, but you know, there it is)
Meanwhile, I spent the time with one of my beloveds, Hank, seen here. I called up the stairs to Mariah...."Darling, I just don't know if I have the strength to be gay tonight! Perhaps I could just take Hank to Shutters. Get a nice room overlooking the ocean. A bubble bath, maybe some cuddling as we gaze out over the waves with a wistful look in our eyes from knowing how fleeting yet ridiculously frivolous sans even a shred of profundity our existence is here on earth but knowing we could still enjoy the magic of that perfect little moment in time. Our time. A tale old by fools full of sound and fury signifying nothing...."
But she couldn't hear me as she was blow drying her hair. I don't even own a blow driver. Shit, I don't even own a comb or a brush!
Anyway, enough of my frustration with femmes and my love for Hank ...no, maybe not enough, here's a shot of Hank with my sweetie Charlie. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't tune into this blog to look at dog photos, so let me get to the party...
With two other fabulous producers of gay features, Stephen Israel and Phil Lobel (BOY CULTURE... you might have seen it and maybe enjoyed it kinda as much as SHELTER) Stephen, darling, I promise to email you that script to you tomorrow as I promised!
With radio personality, Harrison on the Edge. Who we ran into - funny enough - or maybe just funny to me - right after Mariah and I prank-called radio personality Doria Biddle. Doria used to be Harrison's producer.
Mariah with FRONTIERS Editor in Chief Jeremy Kinser.
Todd Justice - yes that's his real name! - and his entourage.
The crowd of men we had to fight our way through.
Mariah with brilliant filmmaker and self proclaimed "that red head you met at the party" Mike Roth with FRONTIERS co-Founder and Publisher David Stern. With actor/producer David Millbern, Oscar nominated actress Sally Kirkland and Maggie Wagner. Sally is the god child of one of my favorite people of all time Shelley Winters. I was highly influenced by reading her biography at an early, impressionable age!
My date flirting with another woman.
Two hot producers of hot gay films - me with Michael Gallant, exec producer of ADAM & STEVE. Matt from GAY WIRED with entourage. With Hector!
With Thea Gill, who I adore. And some boys. I never notice the boys when there's a beautiful blonde woman around.... Here is the cover boy from the invitation, Brandon on left standing with Larry, who was in the the film I produced last year, EATING OUT 2. This man promised he'd email me tomorrow. I suspect he will. He is a political fundraiser and either a finalist or winner of the Mr Gay Competition. If you're a reader of this blog, you know how much I love the brains and the hunk.
The other fabulous LGBT nightlife blogger and promoter, Nelson! You can read about this event on his blog as well: Queer Diva Blog and see the picture he's taking now!
Calpernia, showing us the true, holy meaning of Christmas...which is looking fabulous by the holiday decor.
I was shocked to find out that my friend Ross does not read my blog. Ross you fucking bastard, I read everything you write!!!! This is where I break into Jimmy Sommerville, "Tell me whyyyyyyy?" Which leaves me free to write all sorts of juicy, nasty dish about him because he'll never know and yet often wonder why people point and snicker when they see him out at restaurants. I'll think of something for later...stay tuned. Ross you are going to suffer the wrath of my keypad!
Okay, let's start now. Ross, in that article you wrote yesterday on Gay Wired about the 2 Degrees party (two days after my full coverage in this blog)... you spelled the name of the night's producer wrong!!!!
We love Elliot. Mariah with a retired Paris Hilton impersonator (that's what he said!!!)
With Nick Chavez, who was lovely.
Okay, you've asked for it so here it is...another one of my gift bag vlogs, cohosted by Jack.*
Okay, I have one of those stat counters so I know that while my blog gets over a thousand hits a day, every time I post one of these videos they only get watched like 23 times. So for you loyal 23 viewers...this one is for y'all.
As another note, this evening I ran into two other people that were at last night's Secret Society of the Knights of the High Order of the Nocturnal Karaoke Crooners' wrap party - I grabbed each one of them by the lapel, pulled them close and urgently whispered, "I can't remember a thing from last night, what happened?" to which they BOTH responded, "NEITHER CAN I!" So CANNED HEAT...post those fucking photos already!!! (this is Canned Heat at last Saturday's 2 Degrees. She holds the secrets of our secret society. She is the gatekeeper or the key bearer, if you will)
Although Tiffany (pictured here center) seemed to remember something from last night as she smiled coyly and hugged me...then a nudge and wink ... so I suspect - dear me - I did something naughty and tawdry in her general direction.
As far as Sweeney Todd is concerned, I have two words for you: Raul Esparza. That's who I woulda cast. Anyway, if you'd like a primer on Sondheim, my dissertation on him including tons of youtube clips of his work can be found in this blog archive: WILL SWEENEY TODD GET BUTCHERED
If you made it this far...please check back later in the day when I get photos from my favorite photogs Faye Sadou and Tony DiMaio from their coverage of the evening. That's usually where all the embarrassing paparazzi photos of me are....
And if you'd like to see TONS more photos, especially of all the lovely boys, just go to Tony's Web Site.
*If you're new to all this, Jack is the cohost of my vlog because I recently paid $1200 for him to have surgery and I had to figure out a way to make that a tax write-off.