Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's Tuesday, Do You Know where Your Outfest Is?

Hello Kittens,

A few things I've learned from Outfest in the last few days - for one, the beer company Stella wants you to take your glass home with you; also the liquor sponsor ABSOLUT has a commercial that runs before all the screenings that had me puzzled until I realized... oh, I get it, what if love was currency instead of money. Right.  

Tonight, there are two great screenings, unfortunately programmed against each other.  The first is Rob Williams' MAKE THE YULETIDE GAY at the Fairfax at 7:15 pm.  Early buzz on this notes that it's a fun and funny gay movie that works.  Please don't die of shock.

At the same time, the US Dramatic Centerpiece MISSISSIPPI DAMNED is playing at the Director's Guild at 8 pm.  

Programmer Jon Korn describes the film as "steeped in joy and despair" and as a "stark chronicle of the bravery inherent in hopelessness" (sounds like my love life).  The film is written by the scribe of ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITTEE, but this one looks as far away from that subject matter as one can get.

Last night was the PROJECT LEGACY screening of CHOOSING CHILDREN, a 1984 doc that was restored by UCLA.  At $300 a ticket, the screening ended up being a bit thin, but they had to literally push people out of the party and onto the street there was so much engaging conversation happening post film.

Planning ahead, tomorrow night is PATRIK, AGE 1.5 which marks the opening night at the gorgeous FORD Amphitheatre, although I know y'all will actually take a night off to come down and schmooze at TheSmokingCocktail.com LGBT Professionals Mixer.

You might want to check out DROOL on Thursday night - this was a big hit at Slamdance!  

As per usual they programmed something great against something fabulous - at the same time as DROOL in the DGA theatre across the aisle is the OUTFEST SCREENPLAY LAB script reading.  This is always a fantastic evening filled with interesting stars and fantastic new lgbt films that are still in the script stage.

CITY OF BORDERS is getting a lot of buzz and it screens on Thursday after the Screenwriting Lab. It is a doc about the diversity of the lgbt community in Israel.

Of course, the best thing at Outfest all week will be the FUNNY GIRL singalong, which is happening at the SAME FUCKING TIME as all of the above screenings.  FUCK YOU, Outfest.  Do you hear me?  FUCK YOU.  You program one of the best films up against a very important screenplay reading (we have to encourage the making of new GOOD gay films) against BARBRA!  I hate you.  Just for the record.

Let's not even mention that at the same time there is also a doc about a very compelling subject matter - the gay man in the Native American community - TWO SPIRITS screens at 7:15 pm at the Fairfax.  

In the Navajo tradition, the "two spirit" is a person who has both a masculine and feminine energy and is REVERED! Fascinating.   This doc follows the murder of Fred Martinez who was Navajo and gay bashed.

I also heard that there are going to be two great unnamed celeb guests at the screening of FISH OUT OF WATER at the Fairfax on Saturday. I can't say who they are, but their names rhyme with Leisha Haley and Charleze Theron.

I'm so upset by all these conflicting screenings on Thursday,  I can't write any more.  I'll see you at the bar at the DGA later today and we can drink and dish about it.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from last night at the DGA.

1 comment:

Mark in DE said...

Wishing I were there!